Friday 1 May 2015

Does the walker choose the path, or the path the walker?

Hi Guys, it’s been a while since my last update on the game, Me and Mario Nunes have been working hard on designing the Hex tiles for the board I wanted to give the tiles a cool pixel art style which I felt would fit nicely with the feel of the game and here are a couple of examples of what we have come up with for the Oak forest side, the outer boarder in green is the trim line this is to help stop drift when the hex tiles are being cut during manufacture and also represents the magical boarder which binds and separates this once unified forest. 

Let me know what you think, and I should hopefully have more to show you very soon, we have already begun to design the assets for the Thorn forest tiles which are looking pretty awesome so far. :D 

Please 'like' 'share' and 'comment' on my face book page, and help keep the support for Oak-Thorn growing. :D 

Saturday 21 March 2015

"not wholly good nor wholly evil"

Seamus Skullbasher the leprechaun is the son of an "evil spirit" and a "degenerate fairy" and is "not wholly good nor wholly evil" but one thing is for sure he’s a drunken scoundrel who loves nothing more than to drink Oak-Thorn Ale and go peaking at the fairies while they bath in the healing springs. But Seamus also carries with him a more brutal aspect to his nature and that’s his form of attack, he may be a small bugger but stay on your guard and don’t piss him off, or you can bet he will climb up your body with tremendous speed and lock his legs round your neck while he bashes your head in with the bluntest object he can find.  Most famously he was said to have knocked out an Ogre with its own club because he was to blame for spilling Seamus’s ALE.  ouch.

Thanks again to everyone who entered the competition and a big congrats to Brett Johnson who was our big winner. keep an eye out for our next competition, it’s gonna be a good one :D 

Please 'like' 'share' and 'comment' on my face book page, and help keep the support for Oak-Thorn growing. :D  

Thursday 12 March 2015

And Now for something Completely Different.

Hey everyone, I thought it would be cool to show you a little something else I have been working on, this sculpt has been created on Zbrush by a very talented artist Vishwas Gupta. And I am currently in the process of sourcing a good 3D printing company, if any of you have suggestions on 3D printing companies, I would be happy to hear them, I want for the sculpt to be printed in the highest quality. 

 Let me know your thoughts on the character, personally I think he is pretty cool! :D

Hope you all like it and don’t forget to like’ share’ and comment’ on my face book page, and help keep the support for Oak Thorn growing. :D 

Friday 13 February 2015

And Thus a Game was Born

Today I am very excited to show you all the official Oak-thorn logo :D I think it’s pretty cool and kind of puts a firm stamp on the game, every games gotta have a logo right? Any way let me know what you guys think, and I should hopefully have a first draft of the game board tiles to show you all soon, we going for a pixel art look on the board, because its retro, cool, and I feel it suites the game perfectly.

Hope you all like it and don’t forget to like’ share’ and comment’ on my face book page, and help keep the support for Oak Thorn growing. :D  

Wednesday 4 February 2015

‘An Dia Fear Glas’ the Green Man

This wise and tortured soul is An Dia Fear Glas the Green Man, he has wondered the paths of Oak-Thorn from the day the first Oak blocked the light of the thorns and the first thorns choked the life of the oldest tree. The Green man was once a symbol of rebirth and growth but over the years has become forgotten by the people of Oak-Thorn, Who are leading increasingly fast paste lives and have seen many of the old gods forgotten.
But this has not stopped the Green Man, who attentively looks after each and every piece of minuet life, helping the variety of the forest to compete with the Oak and Thorns which dominate this once peaceful forest. 

The Green Man has become a caretaker and protector of the forest floor and will continue his days in silent sorrow thinking of the once vibrant life that spanned these valleys. 

Hi guys, don’t forget to like’ share’ and comment’ on my face book page, and help keep the support for Oak Thorn growing. :D  

Tuesday 13 January 2015

She Who Lets Loose the Horses

It’s time to kick start the new year with a new character, For this next character I asked Mario Nunes to create a character completely out of his own head that he felt would fit perfectly in the world of Oak-Thorn with no input from me. And here we have Lysippe She is an intelligent and strong women thought to be off Amazons descent, and whose name means ‘She Who Lets Loose the Horses’ This name suites her perfect as Lysippe loves nothing more than to let out her wild side in search of opponents she deems worthy of battle, A master of one on one combat and a lust for glory makes her a formidable opponent. 

Amazons were believed to have been a nation of all-female warriors founding many great cities near the shore of the Black Sea and formed an independent kingdom under the government of their Queen. Little is known about the fate of the Amazons but faint whispers of their existence can be found around the forest of Oak-Thorn. 

I defiantly feel Lysippe fits right in with the world of Oak-Thorn, and makes a very welcome addition to the other strong female characters we have so far.  

Let me know what you think, and don’t forget to ‘Like’ ‘share’ and ‘comment’ on facebook  :D