Monday 15 December 2014

Christmas Caption Competition!

Hi Everyone!! We at Afro-Zombie would like to wish you all a Merry Christmas and Dam Good Year!!! Grunk from the Oak-Thorn forest has even dressed up for the occasion and is wondering the Oak-Thorn Forest handing out candy treats to all the girls and boys, to be honest though he is freaking a lot people out and he has been eating way more candy than he has been handing out!!!

Christmas Caption Competition!! – So just for fun, I thought it would be cool to see what taglines or captions you guys could come up with for Grunk while he is in his festive Outfit.  The funnier the better!! :D  I will choose a Winner on Christmas Eve and they will receive probably the best prize ever created by man!!! That’s right you will win an ‘Afro-Zombie T-Shirt’ SWEEEEEEEET!!!

So go to the facebook page here; and leave your captions!! 

Don’t forget to ‘like’ the Page and keep the support for Oak-Thorn Growing !! :D  

Tuesday 9 December 2014

From A Whisper To A Scream.

The night is thick with Fog, an uneasy and bewildered merchant makes his journey though the dense Oak-Thorn Forest, and as he cuts though the forest paths he hears a faint wailing cry. The cry, faint at first, flared louder with each and every step he took.

"At first it sounded to him like a poor wee lass a-weeping and whimpering for smitten love; then he thought the sound might be the whine of a lost whelp. It was neither a pitiable maiden weeping nor a tiny animal pup whining, but the spirit of a wailing woman in plaintive lamentation."

That’s right guys and girls it’s time to unleash the frightfully scary, Banshee, These ghostly-women have appeared in many Irish folktales and are as much an element of Ireland’s history as their tiny green-clad counterparts (leprechauns).

The Banshee appears as an old woman in rags with dirty grey hair, long fingernails and sharp pointed rotten teeth. Her eyes are a white snow and filled with so much hatred and sorrow that to look into them will cause instant death. The Banshees mouth is permanently open as she emits a long and painful scream to torture the souls of the living.

According to legend there are a few Banshees that relish in taking a life and will stalk their victim wailing and screaming at them to the point that the victim goes insane or die. It has been told that the Banshee has ripped many a brave man to death with her bare hands.

Thanks everybody for your support so far :-D
Don’t forget to ‘like’ ‘share’ and ‘comment’ on my facebook page and help keep the support of Oak-Thorn growing! :-D

Wednesday 3 December 2014

The death of the forest is the end of our life.

Next up we have another awesome piece of art from Mario Nunes, The Thorn Forest,

The Thorn Forest is the Darkside to Oak-Thorn, and is an evil twisted place with hardly any light as the thorns choke out the sun shine and little light that does exist is created by the famous Thorn Forest Mushrooms, The dark forest is full of unruly beasts and monsters who thrive off the constant darkness. Trolls, Demons, Banshees and Sprits roam this forest with glee as they wait for the next traveller to get lost and become a tasty meal!!

The layout of Oak-Thorn is always changing the fringes of both the Oak Forest and the Thorn Forest are always rubbing off one another and you never know quite were you will end up!! 
Thanks everybody for your support so far :-D
Don’t forget to ‘like’ ‘share’ and ‘comment’ on my facebook page and help keep the support of Oak-Thorn growing! :-D